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4.16.8 ,
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4.17.0-rc.0 ,
4.17.0-rc.1 ,
4.17.0-rc.2 ,
Loading changelog, this may take a while ...
Created: 2024-09-19 20:05:25 +0000 UTC
Image Digest: sha256:49f9c3fab978f37516230c846b37400ceb7586fb68c9494ec957e297797dd6d9
Kubectl 1.30.2
Kubernetes 1.30.4
Kubernetes Tests 1.30.0
Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS 417.94.202409120353-0
no-jira: OWNERS: remove former employees #354
OCPBUGS-35801 : nil pointer reference in ocm-operator #355
WRKLDS-1327 : Replace wildcards by explicit list of verbs #353
WRKLDS-1292 : Bump k8s dependencies to 1.30.1 #352
OCPBUGS-34395 : Move cluster
Build CR to runlevel 10 to match CRD #351
OCPBUGS-34077 : Always Disable Default Rolebindings Controller #346
OCPBUGS-34054 : lots of churn during image registry managed/removed transition #347
OCPBUILD-9 : Adds capabilities for builder & deployer rolebindings controller #335
AUTH-482 : set required-scc for openshift workloads #336
OCPBUGS-23848 : Bumps opentelemetry dependencies #341
OCPBUGS-29973 : Updating ose-cluster-openshift-controller-manager-operator-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.16 #337
OCPBUGS-29581 : Apply hypershift cluster-profile for ibm-cloud-managed #334
OCPBUGS-22969 : Use v1 for flowcontrol API #316
BUILD-854 : Add adambkaplan as approver #338
OCPBUGS-24888 : Updating ose-cluster-openshift-controller-manager-operator-container image to be consistent with ART #321
OCPBUGS-28666 : Replace ‘coreydaley’ with ‘sayan-biswas’ in OWNERS file #326
OCPBUGS-23624 : Add .snyk file to exclude vendor and ignore unit tests #325
WRKLDS-1016 : Bump k8s dependencies to 1.29.0 #324
OCPBUGS-24190 : Disable deployer-controller when deploymentconfig is disabled #320
OCPBUGS-22956 : Remove blockage of ConfigObserver by build informer HasSynced flag #315
Revert “Revert #300 “API-1666: add image pull secret cleanup controller”” #314
Revert #300 “API-1666: add image pull secret cleanup controller” #313
API-1642 : add image pull secret cleanup controller #300
API-1642 : Do not generate image pull secrets for internal registry when internal registry is disabled. #298
OCPBUGS-21830 : bump(k8s,openshift) to address CVE-2023-44487 #308
OCPBUGS-20164 : Include Build CRD in manifests #306
WRKLDS-806 : Bump kube dependencies to 1.28.2 #305
OCPBUGS-19136 : Updating ose-cluster-openshift-controller-manager-operator images to be consistent with ART #304
OCPBUGS-18932 : Always sort disabled controller list #302
OCPBUGS-18498 : Disable BuildConfigChange controller when Build cap is disabled #299
route-controller-manager deployment updates #295
OCPBUGS-16072 : Updating Kubernetes and other associated dependencies #296
OCPBUGS-13926 : change the operator log level to default normal in the deployment #289
BUILD-582 , OCPBUGS-14638 : bump(k8s): 1.27.1 #294
OCPBUGS-13926 : add loglevel controller for OCM-o #292
Revert “13895: [WRKLDS-730] route-controller-manager deployment updates” #293
OCPBUGS-13895 : [WRKLDS-730] route-controller-manager deployment updates #288
Updating ose-cluster-openshift-controller-manager-operator images to be consistent with ART #287
Updating ose-cluster-openshift-controller-manager-operator images to be consistent with ART #286
Updating ose-cluster-openshift-controller-manager-operator images to be consistent with ART #285
Bump from 0.5.0 to 0.7.0 #284
Updating ose-cluster-openshift-controller-manager-operator images to be consistent with ART #279
OCPBUGS-10568 : migrate to using lease objects for leader election #282
Add Divyanshu Agrawal as a reviewer #283
OCPBUGS-4343 : update apf configuration to use v1beta3 #273
Updating ose-cluster-openshift-controller-manager-operator images to be consistent with ART #274
WRKLDS-594 : bump(k8s): 1.26.1 #277
OCPBUGS-5275 : remove unnecessary RBAC for leader-locking-ingress-to-route-controller #276
OCPBUGS-3929 : update apf configuration to use v1beta2 #272
let deployer pods patch/apply replication controllers #270
Bug 2111979 : Set to nil in openshift-controller-manager nam… #269
BUILD-534 : Rebase to k8s 1.25 #268
manage openshift-controller-manager as a Deployment #264
Bug 2055620 : Add permissions for image trigger controller #244
switch to route-controller-manager image and use ApplyDeployment no. 2 #267
Revert “switch to route-controller-manager image and use ApplyDeployment” #265
switch to route-controller-manager image and use ApplyDeployment #258
rename operator queue to OpenshiftControllerManagerOperator #257
fix README links #263
OCPBUGS-722 : handle errors during operand creation and update #262
OCPBUGS-722 : Fix NPD when accessing rote controller spec.deployment.replicas #259
Manage route controllers in separate ns #255
Adding leader election leases permissions for openshift-controller-manager-sa #253
BUILD-417 : Adding leader election leases #250
Bug 2110629 : Set to nil in openshift-controller-manager namespace #248
Bug 2110617 : Add namespace and RBAC needed for ingress-to-route #247
Updating ose-cluster-openshift-controller-manager-operator images to be consistent with ART #245
BUILD-418 : Rebase to k8s 1.24 #242
Add user coreydaley as an approver #241
Bug 2086519 : AUTH-133: bindata: comply to restricted pod security level #240
Updating ose-cluster-openshift-controller-manager-operator images to be consistent with ART #236
manifests/deployment: comply to restricted pod security level #239
Bug 2067820 : Update prometheus client_golang from 1.11.0 => 1.11.1 #238
Bug 2042587 : Simplify Sync of Global CA ConfigMap #233
update cert injection annotations to beta #237
Bug 2042587 : Fix Conflict Error in Operator Tests #235
Bug 2034484 : feat: library-go bump #232
update controller-manager service selectors #231
Bug 2012770 : honor labels in openshift-controller-manager metrics #230
BUILD-281 : add library-go watch/update of new OCM feature gate field #227
Bug 2004127 : bump library-go and dependencies #228
Updating ose-cluster-openshift-controller-manager-operator images to be consistent with ART #226
Bug 1986003 : Rebase to Kubernetes 1.22 #225
Bug 1986829 : metrics: use client cert auth for metrics scraping #223
Fix config merge order #221
Update OWNERS #220
Updating ose-cluster-openshift-controller-manager-operator images to be consistent with ART #219
Updating .ci-operator.yaml build_root_image
from openshift/release #217
Bug 1965283 : Static Resources Controller for Sync #216
Bug 1925409 : Let openshift-controller-manager create service account tokens #213
Bug 1948311 : DelegatingAuthenticationOptions TokenReview request timeout #212
Bug 1948011 : seed upgradeable condition in ocm-o cluster operator status so library-go union code can find it #210
Add management workload annotations #206
Bug 1947793 : Deprecated API in use #208
Updating ose-cluster-openshift-controller-manager-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #202
Bug 1941526 : Bump kubernetes to 0.20.5 #203
BUILD-186 : add buildconfig/status permissions to ocm #201
switch to v1beta1 for the p&f APIs #192
Bug 1911470 : Set registry routes in operand config #197
Updating ose-cluster-openshift-controller-manager-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #198
Remove tnozicka from OWNERS #196
Extend OWNERS #195
Bug 1915304 : Updating ose-cluster-openshift-controller-manager-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #194
Bug 1915473 : Annotate manifests for single-node-developer cluster profile #187
Bug 1907948 : BUILD-149: bump(*): k8s 1.20.1-rc.0 #189
Add IBM Cloud managed annotations to CVO manifests #186
picks up setting TCP_USER_TIMEOUT
socket option #184
add current profile annotations to CVO manifests #183
Updating ose-cluster-openshift-controller-manager-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #182
flowschema for openshift controller manager #181
Bug 1884028 : Update to use only #180
Bug 1878040 : Add validation for logLevel #179
Bug 1871890 : add current profile annotations to CVO manifests #178
Bug 1879253 : Add provider to user CA ConfigMap target #175
Bug 1820075 : Allow ingress-to-route to update ingress status #169
Bug 1878163 : Updating Dockerfile baseimages to mach ocp-build-data config #177
Bug 1879253 : Remove .rhel7 Dockerfile #176
Bug 1876858 : manifests: rename operator container to be more descriptive #174
Bug 1872080 : Updating Dockerfile baseimages to mach ocp-build-data config #172
Bug 1855640 : Rebase to kube-0.19.0-rc.3 #167
Bug 1826183 : Sync proxy CA to openshift-controller-manager #162
Add ForcePull to BuildOverrides #159
Bug 1852964 : account for nil DaemonSet returned from library-go #163
Move operand namespace creation to operator rather than CVO #153
Bug 1814446 : ensure progressing is not set to false if version is missing #158
Bug 1826230 : bump(build-machinery-go) and update go-bindata to match #157
Add component to OWNERS #151
Bug 1821895 : Bump k8s to 1.18 and openshift/* to master #149
Bug 1805168 : inject global proxy envs,ca into OCM daemonset #145
Bug 1806913 : Remove run-level for OCM and operator #143
Move default config to its own path #138
Bug 1804434 : Report “Progressing=True” during ds rollout #140
Bug 1804432 : Fallback to logs on ocm termination #139
Bug 1788142 : bump(*) #137
DEVEXP-490 : bump k8s 1.17.0-rc.1 #135
monitoring: move service monitor RBAC rules to manifests/ #130
Add manifest annotations for hosted deployment exclusions #133
Bug 1769016 : Use crd definition in openshift/api #132
Bump k8s 1.16.2 and openshift/* #129
Switch to go.mod #127
Add soltysh to approvers #128
rm role/binding for cluster-policy-controller leader lock, goes in kcm-o #125
update README and make images
rbac for lock for addn of cluster-policy-controller 4.2->4.3 #120
create configmap for global ca injection for use by builds #118
Bug 1737320 : Bump library-go to fix CVE-2019-10213 #115
Bug 1719188 : set library-go bits to declare we do not support unmanaged/removed; allow all other reconciliaition as part of ignoring unmanaged/removed; clean up messages around not supporting unmanaged/removed #116
bump(*) #114
Bug 1736812 : fix apiVersion for operator config #112
Bug 1734622 : bump(*) #111
Bug 1730719 : Respecting resource limits and requests during build. #109
Configure the Service Ingress IP Controller (AutoExternalIPs) #104
use the new “openshift-controller-manager” image #108
Add spec to required fields in manifest #107
Use new crd-schema-gen tool #105
Migrate to build machinery #106
Global proxy builds #102
need to remove GOCACHE=off now with golang 1.12 #103
Rebase to 1.14.0 #101
Remove old values from config CR #100
set terminationMessagePolicy to FallbackToLogsOnError #98
Fix tolerations #97
Bug 1704874 : Create ConfigMap for Registry CA #96
Move component to an appropriate upgrade order (generic) #95
allow lease to be held in openshift-controller-manager #94
Add node-selector annotation to namespace #93
Use the CVO for operator config management #92
Update pod.yaml to include priorityClassName #77
bump dependencies #91
bump(*) #86
Switch openshift/ocm-o to go1.11 #89
A little bit of clean up #87
Failure to upgrade #85
Generate CRD schema #79
use system-cluster-critical priority #82
Add adambkaplan as approver #84
Bug 1679871 : publish payload version as the operator version when the operand is updated #83
Change operator pull spec to IfNotPresent #81
Drop etcd metrics #80
bump(*): pick up #78
add object refs for must gather dump #76
bump(*) #75
Bump library-go and switch the kube client to protobuf #74
no need for post-startup cache sync checks #73
rename controller operator resource instance from ‘instance’ to ‘cluster’ #72
ensure serving cert update triggers controller rollout #71
drop operator suffix from clusteroperator object #68
build config crd has moved to the cluster-config-operator #67
use openshift/api+client-go for operator config types #66
bump to k8s 1.12 deps #65
refactor operator to match siblings #64
add metric scraping to controller #60
update operator status when the operand is unmanaged #59
set operand loglevel from config #63
move openshift controller manager later in CVO payload #61
update to new build nodeselector override api #56
explicitly list metrics port as first containerPort #58
set cpu request for pod and operator #57
remove -cluster from operator namespace and name #53
remove references to operator v1alpha1 API #54
operator config V1 api #55
Use DefaultProxy for Build Git Proxy #51
Git Proxy Support #47
fix progressing condition logic #50
set available, progressing statuses on operator/clusteroperator status #49
bump(*) #48
Operator v1 Migration #42
manifests: add memory request to operator pod #46
bindata: add memory request to openshift-controller-manager pod #45
Shorten config resource name #44
fix informers for operator namespace #39
Event recorder #40
add e2e test for cluster-manager-operator #36
Observe Cluster BuildController config #27
Add a RHEL7 dockerfile and standardize format #33
move to operator specific namespace #34
use pullalways for the operator image #31
observe internal registry hostname #26
bump(*) #30
Add Build CRD to Manifests #28
add Ben as top level approver #29
complete config observer #24
Use available helper function to do config check #25
add config observer #23
add configmap for builder, deployer image data #22
fix ClusterOperator typos #21
report status to the CVO #20
add image references #18
bump #16
ensure operator config exists on start #15
Add basic yaml linting test #14
remove operator config from payload #13
tolerate any taint #12
only install on master nodes #11
switch to daemonset #10
update manifest filenames to conform to expected CVO update payload format #8
Add soltysh to reviewers #9
add rate limiting #7
update to flat updatepayload structure #6
Fix scripts #4
simplify installation of static resources #5
CI fixes #3
Add tnozicka #2
Starts a minimal operator that can install a working openshift-controller-manager #1
Full changelog
Source code for this page located on github